There are many reasons for erectile dysfunction in men. Infectious diseases, age, stress, poor nutrition - these are just some of them.
Most of the popular drugs have an artificial composition and therefore a large list of side effects and contraindications. Is it possible to restore the former male strength, but how much safer for health?
revitaPROST is an absolutely natural medicine intended for the treatment of potency in men. revitaPROST male enhancement capsules restore male desire and restore lost male strength. The medicine has no analogues in the whole world!
The natural composition of the drug ensures safety and effectiveness. And what is most amazing is that it is not addictive!
How does revitaPROST work?
The main feature of revitaPROST power capsules is the immediate effect! Desire appears immediately and continues for 5-6 hours after each use.
- Strengthening of erection - an almost immediate arousal occurs, maintaining a stable erection throughout sexual intercourse
- Improving sperm quality. Also, a quantitative increase was observed.
- A brighter orgasm. revitaPROST increases penile sensitivity. This contributes to more lively sensations during sexual intercourse
- Increased attraction to women. In men over 40, the desire appears less often than in younger men. revitaPROST is able to arouse passion in a man and you will feel young again!
- Increase in the size of the penis - after using the drug, sometimes an erection occurs so strong that the penis increases significantly in size. You and your partner will be pleasantly surprised.
- Prolonging sexual intercourse - each sexual intercourse lasts approximately 30-50 minutes.
Important information! When you take the drug systemically, a cumulative effect is observed. Hormonal levels return to normal, dystrophic processes are neutralized and the reproductive system as a whole is restored. Thanks to all these wonderful effects, a man feels much more confident in himself.revitaPROST capsules work immediately after taking and you can be sure of their effectiveness! A lively orgasm, which is achieved after prolonged sexual intercourse, will accompany you after each dose of the drug!
Composition and ingredients
The effectiveness of the drug is achieved thanks to its natural composition. It contains only 6 ingredients. Thanks to the ideal combination of sizes, the maximum effect is achieved from the use of the drug.
- Red root was used by our ancestors to treat sexual dysfunctions. With the long-term use of this plant, prostatitis and even infertility are cured.
- Butea Syperba is a natural potency enhancer and has magical properties! The plant restores and strengthens male power. Tones and increases blood circulation in the sexual organ. When used systematically, it relieves fatigue, restores energy and strength.
- Turmeric seeds - this spice is a very strong aphrodisiac. Thanks to this component, the desire wakes up very quickly. Also, the spice restores the genitourinary system
- Arginine – naturally removes waste and toxins from the body. Restore performance.
- Bryonia is an effective aphrodisiac that stimulates the prostate gland and slows down the body's aging process. When used regularly, it increases attractiveness to women
As you can see, the composition is completely natural. Nature has given us everything we need to treat our ailments. We have combined all these in a preparation revitaPROST!
Who should take the medicine revitaPROST

In case of decreased potency, slow erection and weakened sexual instinct, it is recommended to take capsules to increase potency. The drug is also prescribed for various mental disorders of a sexual nature and in a number of other cases:
- With premature ejaculation;
- With a weak orgasm;
- With unstable potency;
- For psychosomatic erectile dysfunction;
- For mild hormonal imbalance;
- For chronic fatigue syndrome;
- During severe physical and mental stress.
To achieve better results, the medicine should be taken according to the instructions on the package.
You can order capsules through the official website in Romania, for only {€45}! Hurry to buy at the best price with delivery to Romania.