For every man, potency plays an important role. After all, a full erection, a stable libido is considered an indicator of the health of the whole organism. But there are situations in life when potency fails. Erection problems occur against the background of stress, insomnia and elemental fatigue. In addition, any chronic comorbidities cause erectile dysfunction. For the male body, the quality of nutrition plays an important role. Every day, the body needs to get zinc, selenium, iron, potassium, vitamins. Nuts will provide the necessary dose of all microelements. With their regular use, the potency will significantly improve, the erection will be full and stable. Which nuts are good for potency?
Potency nuts

Speaking of nuts for potency, we should first mention nuts. This fruit is widely available. Therefore, buying products will not be difficult.
This product is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They are extremely important for the normal condition of cell membranes and nerves.
After some time, after regular consumption of walnuts, the work of the central nervous system will be restored. After all, the nervous system plays one of the main roles in the state of potency.
Some disorders simply block the reception of nerve impulses that arrive when the excitement is stimulated. And the erection itself does not occur.
In addition, walnuts are rich in the following trace elements:
- Potassium;
- zinc;
- phosphorus;
- Magnesium;
- Manganese;
- Vitamins E, C, A, K.
It is zinc that plays a major role. There is a lot of it in this type of nut. The fact is that zinc actively participates in the production of the male hormone testosterone. Thus, the hormonal background of the male body will be completely improved and potency will also be restored. The product was found to contain a sufficient amount of plant proteins. Sperm quality depends on protein levels. With a sufficient amount in the body, a man is not threatened by infertility. Any type of nut is known for its huge amount of essential oils.
Almonds have similar properties, which also have huge potency benefits. This nut contains a lot of amygdalin. The substance releases vitamin B17. This vitamin is used to prevent cancer. Therefore, by consuming almonds regularly, a man can avoid developing prostate cancer. In addition, almonds are known for their high levels of vitamin E, arginine. Vitamin E for men is useful not only for increasing potency, but also for increasing the number of motile sperm in the ejaculate.
Pistachios for potency

Pistachios are a favorite type of nut for many men. But few people know about their potency benefits.
Arginine plays a major role in pistachios. This amino acid is considered a natural stimulant of libido and sexual desire. In the male body, arginine is converted to nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels, boosting active blood flow to the penis. Accordingly, erectile dysfunction disappears. It is worth noting that many erection medications are specifically aimed at releasing nitric oxide.
Furthermore, folic acid is worth mentioning. Scientists have discovered that folic acid is extremely necessary for people of the stronger sex who are trying to have a baby. Folic acid has a beneficial effect on sperm quality. Research has shown that those men who regularly consume pistachios have healthy offspring. At the same time, the baby is conceived quickly and without problems.
Speaking of this type of nut, unsaturated fats should also be mentioned. Such substances lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. If a young person has elevated cholesterol levels, blood vessels become clogged. Consequently, blood simply does not flow to the penis.
The composition of nuts includes the following elements:
- Vitamins A, C, E;
- pyridoxine;
- thiamine;
- Niacin;
- Potassium;
- calcium;
- Iron;
- Magnesium;
- zinc;
- Selenium.
Peanuts for men's health

Peanuts have great benefits for potency. Walnut regulates all metabolic processes in the body, strengthens bone tissue. Peanuts also inhibit the deposition of fat in the liver tissue.
Athletes very often consume peanuts. After all, the composition of the product allows you to build muscle very quickly. Regular consumption of peanuts allows the body to recover very quickly after severe physical and mental stress.
High levels of magnesium provide the male body with an extra supply of energy. Accordingly, there is no decrease in libido. And if necessary, the erection will always be high and stable. The product contains biotin, which prevents baldness in men. It is known that baldness occurs with a sharp decrease in testosterone in the blood.
In general, peanuts have the following benefits for men:
- Increased sexual activity;
- Continuation of normal hormonal balance;
- Improving sperm quality;
- Improving sperm production;
- Strengthening testosterone synthesis.
A man who includes peanuts in his diet suffers much less from prostate adenoma, prostatitis, infertility. The product is an excellent prophylactic agent for various diseases of the genitourinary system in men. Also, the following types of nuts differ in their benefits: cashews, Brazil nuts, pine nuts, pecans, hazelnuts. Regular consumption will reduce the risk of developing erectile dysfunction for psychological and physiological reasons. This is very easy to do, knowing which nuts increase potency.