For many reasons, a modern man is no longer able to please his partner, because the potency after 50, and sometimes earlier, drops to zero.
Many men after the age of 50 begin to experience some difficulty related to potency. This is not surprising, as it is caused by the aging of the body.
But in some cases, the lack of potency is not only related to old age, the problem with potency can be related to diseases from which older men begin to suffer.
But even in old age you can stay young and sexy. There are many ways and techniques developed by experts for this.
Reasons for reduced potency in men older than 50 years
There are several reasons for reduced potency in older men. The main reason is low levels of sex hormones. Decreased production of sex hormones begins at the age of about 25. This process cannot be stopped, and in the future many men will experience a lack of sex hormones, which affects sexual function. At a young age, as a rule, in men there is no noticeable decrease in hormone production, but up to 50 years or earlier, at this or that stage, androgen deficiency is manifested.
Another reason for the decrease in potency in men older than 50 is vasoconstriction. With age, they lose elasticity and narrow, which slows down the flow of blood through the blood vessels, which, above all, is manifested by a worsening of potency, because blood enters the genital organ through small vessels. Cardiovascular diseases should also be mentioned. The body is not able to control the level of cholesterol in the blood, so it accumulates on the walls of blood vessels, which leads to stroke and heart attack, coronary heart disease. Even if a man does not suffer from any cardiovascular disease, the heart muscles continue to become weaker and less efficient with age, due to which the blood circulation in the genitals worsens. Good circulation is the main factor for good potency. Diseases such as prostatitis, urethritis and others, to which older men are susceptible, can also cause a loss of potency.
The question should be asked why one man at the age of 50 does not have a problem with potency, and another in the same year suffers from its complete absence? Obviously, it's not just age that affects a man's health. Lifestyle plays an important role in this case. Frequent alcohol consumption, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity, poor diet and stress can lead to health problems and premature aging. But otherwise, a man can count on a healthy old age while preserving sexual desire and sexual function.
How to strengthen?
It is best to prevent potency problems before they become an obstacle to your private life. First of all, you need to maintain your sexual activity. Physical activity is one of the healthy habits that has a direct connection with sexual activity. Research shows that men who burn an average of at least 200 calories a day by exercising are much less likely to suffer from potency problems. Keep in mind, however, that not all types of physical activity are created equal. For example, men who ride a bicycle are almost as likely to become impotent as those who do not exercise at all. This is due to the tightening of the nerve endings and the blood circulation of the penis.
Erection is a complex work of many factors, physical and mental. One of them is healthy blood vessels. The penis consists of an intricate network of blood vessels that fill with blood during an erection, and if they are blocked by atherosclerosis, great trouble arises. To prevent atherosclerosis, you need to eliminate unhealthy fats from your diet, get rid of extra pounds and stop smoking.
You should also check your medications as erectile dysfunction can be a side effect of some of them. Be sure to consult your doctor and read the instructions for the medication, especially if you are taking medications related to depression, high blood pressure, heartburn, psychosis, prostate adenoma and high cholesterol. There are also drugs to increase potency, but they are not suitable for everyone.
To improve your erection, it is recommended to do some exercises. Many men think that only women should do pelvic floor exercises. But they are also recommended for men to improve their sexual performance. Representatives of the stronger sex can recognize their pelvic floor muscles by stopping the flow of urine when urinating, and then quickly tighten and relax those muscles about 30-50 times three times a day.
Kundalini yoga is known to many as the yoga of courage and sexual energy. It is able to increase energy and muscle tone, and also helps increase sex drive. Special yoga poses like butterfly or cobra poses are very useful for increasing sexual activity. However, remember that if you are doing yoga, be sure to take all the necessary precautions. And in any case, do not exercise too much for the first time. Exercise, which increases blood flow to the heart and lungs, will also increase sexual potency. Aerobic exercise and deep breathing will help increase circulation and blood flow, and can also improve sexual performance.
An effective remedy for improving potency is ginseng or eleutherococcus tincture. The infusion of these herbs should be taken as follows. On the first day, one drop of tincture should be diluted in half a glass of water, and on all following days, the amount of tincture is increased by one drop. Thus, we bring the number of drops to 28, ie the treatment lasts 28 days. The course can be repeated every 3 months. It should be noted that such treatment is contraindicated in persons with hypertension and severe heart disease.
Contrasting lower body baths will help to perfectly increase potency. For this procedure, you need two sinks: one with cold water and the other with hot water. Starting with hot water, you need to alternately sit in each bowl for 30 seconds. This procedure should take 15 minutes. And the duration of the whole course should not be shorter than 2 weeks.
For those who have a decrease in potency associated with chronic fatigue and overwork, it is recommended to use the following relaxing recipe - bathing in a bath with bay leaf. To prepare it, you need to cook the bay leaves, and then squeeze this infusion into a filled bath. The procedure is best done before bed, and the duration is 15-30 minutes. You can replace the bay leaf with chamomile flowers. In addition to a relaxing bath, you can additionally practice yoga, aromatherapy and potency-boosting exercises to reduce fatigue.
Remember that erectile dysfunction is not an inevitable consequence of aging. A healthy lifestyle will allow you to continue a healthy sexual relationship for as long as possible.